Tuesday, May 31, 2005

New Toy

Like y'all care, but I just figured I'd share that I am now the proud owner of a Hyundai Imagequest L90D+ 19-inch LCD monitor. They were having a sale at Newegg, so I took advantage of it.

What can I say? This monitor kicks tail, 'specially compared to my old one. It's actually... bright.

I can see all colors in pictures and videos :).

It's intended for the new system that I'm slowly collecting parts for, but it works well indeed with my old one.

Just thought I'd share.

I am also listening to the Toby Keith song, Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue. VH1 panned this song. Something about "putting a boot in your @$$" not being very nice or some idiocy like that.

I kinda like it.

Just some late night randomness.

So, now we know

Deep Throat has now revealed himself, and it's been confirmed by the Washington Post.

That answers that, I guess.

On a related note, typing "Deep Throat" into Yahoo or Google is not a good way to research information on this subject.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Who is Zod?

Yes, I know the title of the below post has nothing to do with the picture. I just felt like saying that...

Anyway, here's the breakdown from the quiz, just because...

Darth Vader


Obi Wan Kenobi




Anakin Skywalker


Clone Trooper




General Grievous






Mace Windu


Emperor Palpatine


Padme Amidala


Which Revenge of the Sith Character are you?
created with QuizFarm.com

Kneel Before Zod!

Friday, May 20, 2005


Just a quick note here...

Forget prisoner abuse, someone should sue the New York Post for reader abuse.

I mean, I'm almost positive that NONE of it's readers really wanted to see a picture of Saddam Hussein in his underwear.

That's just a bad mental image there...

The Temptation of Anakin Skywalker

Let's see... it's 11:11 P.M. right now. I've just gotten back in from having seen "Revenge of the Sith".

That was cool.

I'm serious, y'all. This movie made the past two worthwhile, and now even Episode II makes sense. Which is quite a feat, when you think about it.

Just a few thoughts (warning, this will contain spoilers, so stop reading if you've not seen the film yet):

R2-D2 cooks. Battle droid flambe, baby.

Com links need volume control.

Gee... Palpatine, the old Apprentice, and the guy he wants as the new apprentice. A command to strike the old one down. My, doesn't THIS look familiar.

Grievous coughs. See the "Clone Wars" cartoon microseries to find out why.

I guess flying fire trucks are something a city-covered planet would need in a space-faring society.

Anakin! Discretion, boy! I know she's Natalie Portman, but...

The sad thing is, he's the first Jedi in generations to hear those words. "I'm pregnant."

Which is half the Jedi's problem at this point in history. But that's a whole 'nother story.

Dialogue, at least, Romantic Dialogue, does not seem to be Lucas's strong point. That being said, the actors are doing a decent enough job, nowhere near as bad as what I've heard.

Which probably says more about my judgement regarding acting ability than it does their performances.

You know, I have to wonder what would have happened if the Council had just told Palpatine "No". For not trusting him, they seem quite willing to acquiesce to his requests.

Now the plot begins to take shape. Anakin is being tempted, not by power or money or revenge, but through what he wants the most: to keep his wife alive, to not stand by and watch, helplessly, as someone else he loves dies. It's a powerful desire, for love is a very strong emotion, and extremely volatile.

And now, the line is cast.

Heh. Wookies!

I do truly hope that was Grievous's heart and not some other "dangly bits".

One disadvantage to being more cyborg than droid, I guess.

"How uncivilized." *snort*

Anakin delivers the message... and now the bait is taken. In his conflict between what he belived Palpatine was, what Palpatine actually is, and what he is willing to do to try and preserve Padme, Anakin now holds the fate of an entire generation in his choice.

I recognize Mace Windu and Kit Fisto. Don't know the other two.

The shots between Anakin and Padme are some of the best visuals in the movie. She knows that something is changing; he fears that without Palpatine, he will loose her.

He makes his first choice; he leaves the Temple to try and save Palpatine.

Kit! NO!!!!

Good grief, Palps is good with that.

And now, the fate of the galaxy revolves around the choices of Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker. Mace makes his; so does Anakin.

Mace does not go down like a punk.

For love, Anakin swears feality to the darkness. Wait, check that, NOT for love; to try and preserve what he loves, what he desires, he betrays everything he knows, INCLUDING what he loves, and binds himself to the darkness.

"You shall now be called... Darth Vader."

Go to the Jedi Temple, destroy all in your path.

Oh no... Anakin, you traitorous, murderous... So the Sith are now as bad as the Islamists.

"Initiate order 66."

Ki Adi Mundi... Aalya Secura... darnit, they just killed off the hot blue Twi-lek Jedi.

Bail Organa arrives... and can do nothing.

An attempt on Yoda. Heh. THAT didn't work.

Aww... Chewie helps carry Yoda to safety. As if that exists.

Jimmy Smits to the rescue.

The Jedi Temple has a beacon, currently set to "call home". Must be reset.

Anakin is now a good liar. But there is something to his eyes now, something... almost insane. But not, really; he is fully sane, here, just utterly without remorse. Without compassion.

The Last of the Jedi return to Coruscant.

And with a simple announcement, the Old Republic is no more.

No more separatists. Make a deal with the devil...

... and now Obi-Wan knows. So does Padme.

"Anakin's the father, isn't he? I'm very sorry."

And suddenly, Yoda's statement in ESB of "Go now, help them you could... but you would endanger all for which they have fought, and suffered..." means a WHOLE lot more than what it did. His father had acted on a vision he had, and did what he thought he had to do... and destroyed everything that they had fought and sacrified and bled and killed for.

Darkness pollutes love, and this is the result. He brings about his own vision.

Now THIS is a buildup. The fight itself is meaningless: no matter who wins, nothing in the galaxy will change. But for these two... each feels the other has betrayed him. One was poisoned by the half-truths and promises of a dark master, the other stayed true to principle and philosphy.

Correction, the duel DOES matter: whoever wins will control the upbringing of the Son of Skywalker. Much hinges on this moment, much that neither combatant can see: this is like Beren and Luthien descending into Angband to recover a Silmaril. Their actions will rule the fate of many for ages to come.

Obi-wan and Anakin, Yoda and Palpatine.

This is like, I dunno... a duel in the Rotunda with the future of the US at stake or something.

Duel of the Fates. Apropriate.

There is no quarter here; this is personnal.

And Yoda... fails. We knew it would be so, but...

"You were the Chosen One! You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them!"

"I HATE YOU!" "Anakin, you were my brother. I loved you." The contrast between these two men...

Luke and Leia. Padme dies, believes there is still good in Anakin. Darth Vader, mask and all... arises. David Prowse really should be in this suit, as Hayden Christensen just doesn't have the build for it.

Vader realizes what he has done. You have to read Matt Stover's prose in the novelization to fully appreciate this scene.

So the disappearing act that Yoda and Obi-wan pull at their deaths is taught to them by Qui-Gon. 'k, I can live with that.

It is done, then. Vader, the Emperor, and Tarkin examine the Death Star. Bail Organa takes Leia with him to Alderaan.

And Obi-Wan Kenobi delives Luke to Owen and Beru Lars on Tatooine.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Go read. Now!

Bill Whittle, at Eject! Eject! Eject!, has finally posted a new essay (posted in two parts).

Go read "Sanctuary", for it is excellent.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


(Via Froggy Ruminations)

You know, there are some stories in this world that are so... well, all I can say about them is:

What the ever-loving crap?

Lion Mutilates 42 Midgets in Cambodian Ring-Fight


Well, turns out this was a hoax, designed to "settle" a bet regarding a hypothetical matchup of midgets versus a lion.

Now you know... the rest of the story.

Revenge of the Sith

Well, folks, Episode III begins tonight at midnight.

I will not be there; I am a working man now, and midnight showings, for me, are not things of the past. I will, however, be viewing the movie tomorrow at 7:45 P.M.

In honor of the release of Episode III, I've got a few links to send your way:

George Lucas goes moonbat. Marin County moontbat (Desmodus rotundus luna marinus), to be exact.

Arthur Chrenkoff, who knows more about living under a totalitarian regime than Lucas ever will, responds.

Darth Vader has a blog. Go read it, for it is good.

Jonathan Last, back in 2002, gives the Case for the Empire.

Purchased the Soundtrack a few days ago. It's pretty good. The new 'theme' on this one, entitled "Battle of the Heroes", is excellent; even if it feels like it could be about 60 seconds longer (it's easily among the shortest of the concert themes that Williams has come up with), it has a few moments that are just perfect for what it represents: the ulimate battle of Archetypes.

The real annoyance, though, is the End Credits suite. You have the statement of the Stars Wars theme, a brief segue, and then a restatement of "Battle of the Heroes". All's well and good, and then... it segues into... the Medal Ceremony music from the original?

WHAT does that have to do with what goes on in the film? I mean, use the Emperor's Theme, or the Imperial March, or something that makes an ounce of sense contextually!

Yeah. That piece just felt wrong.

I just hope that Lucas got better at writting dialogue. I cringed in pain and horror during the "romance" scenes. I mean, who talks like that?! The incoherence...

But then again, Anakin is married to Natalie Portman while I'm still single, so what do I know?

I still say that Padme should have slapped him after the whole sand bit. I know I wanted to...

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Terrorists Suck

Why? Because they produce stuff like this:


Look at the picture, then read the story. Be sure to read the story, especially the part about the timing of the attack.

This is the fruit of Islamic terrorism. We saw it in Beirut, in Tehran, on the USS Cole, on 9/11, on 3/11, and in Beslan. Especially in Beslan. Now, in Mosul.

Zur Hölle mit ihnen.

Of course, it's really nothing different from what went on in Iraq under Hussein, at least not in concept: someone is in the way of your acquisition and retention of power, so you sweep them aside.

Actually, check that, I erred, there is something different: now, when the megalomaniacs murder little girls, there is an American there to comfort the child in her last moments, an American is there to struggle to save the child, and a whole bunch of Americans are there to bust a cap on the arse of whoever is responsible.

Another thing is different: we hear about it now. Not from the regular media, of course: Eason Jordan isn't taking copy from Hussein's propoganders any more, but you'll be more likely to see another repeat viewing of the Abu Ghraib pictures on the evening news than you will be to see the one I've just showed you.

Heck, if you have seen it on the News, leave a comment on this post (for this exercise, Fox News doesn't count: I known John Gibson went off on a rant about just this issue).

But now, the guy who actually takes the pictures has his own blog; and no ideological prejudice (American is BAD! Communism is GOOD! Terrorists are missunderstood! HALIBURTON! OIL!) can hold such an image away from public consumption.

So, visit the site, and let the picture of the Major and the dying girl be embeded in you mind, seared into you consciousness as a representative image of the fruit of Michael Moore's "Minutemen".

Zur Hölle mit ihnen und zur Hölle mit ihrem falschen Gott.