Monday, April 25, 2005

It's about time...

Last Tuesday, a group of engineers was given an award by NASA. The reason? These were the guys who ad-libbed a lithium-hyrdoxide canister adapter to mate the CSM canisters to the LEM receptacles.

(story found here)

The money quote from the article:

Among the biggest concerns was whether the astronauts had duct tape, Smylie said. He later learned duct tape was commonly used on the spacecraft to clean filters and for other tasks.

"I felt like we were home free," he said. "One thing a Southern boy will never say is, 'I don't think duct tape will fix it."'

I think I'm gonna make that personnal motto...

(Hat tip: Doug)

Monday, April 18, 2005

I'm Just Sayin'...

As the months roll by, I slowly begin to understand the stigma attached to Monday. It was never like this in college...

Anyway, I'd like to direct you towards the blog Silent Running, whose blogmaster, along with a few others, are currently running a SimTerror '05 simulation. Each blogger involved plays a different role, in this case the PMs of Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Great Britain, as well as someone as the shadowy Terrorist Mastermind.

It's getting interesting, so hop on over and have a read. It's started only recently, but the archives of what's been going on can be found here.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Ever heard tale and rumor of the possible damage that terrorist frogmen could do? Matt Heidt over at Froggy Ruminations gives a detailed rundown of why such a concept is unlikely, the primary reasons being the shear difficulty of such an operation (especially when compared to the other, more mundane-guaranteed-of-"success" methods that a muj can utilize to obtain his eternal orgy), and the defenses that we have in place to prevent just such an operation.

What are those defense, you might ask? Well, amongst other things, we have horny attack dolphins.

No, I'm not kidding.

On another note, if you've never been to Gettysburg PA, then head over to Castle Arrrgh!, where John the Armorer has posted pictures from Gettysburg. Also, if you've never been to Gettysburg, I highly recommend that you do two things:

1. Read up on the battle, and what all occured there.
2. Go, and see the fields for yourself. When you know what exactly is meant by the two words "Pickett's Charge", and then you see the field itself... well, it's quite a sight.

Monday, April 04, 2005

A Bit of Levity

It's been a somber couple of weeks around here, what with the Terri Schiavo situation and the death of Pope John Paul II. I've had a few things that I've wanted to blog about, but I just haven't had the hear to do so, what with the aforementioned events.

However, just to lighten things up a bit, I present you with a picture of me:

South Park Style Posted by Hello

The above image was generated using the South Park Studio. The face, I think, is pretty close.

No, I don't have the sword or gun. I just thought they looked cool.

Head on over, generated yourself in the image of a South Park-style character, and post have fun with it.

Heck, if you have a blog, post it for all to see.

(Hat Tip: The Jawa Report)

Saturday, April 02, 2005

The Pope is Dead

Lord I come to your awesome prescence
From the shadows into your radiance.

By your blood I may enter your brighteness,
Search me, try me, consume all my darkness.

Now, Karol Wojtyla, known to most of us as Pope John Paul II, knows those verses to their fullest. May he rest in peace, until the Body is finally united after the last Judgement.

This Baptist has no qualms in saying that a Man of God has been called Home. He will be missed.