Monday, August 14, 2006


Grim cuts to the quick over at Blackfive. Go read the post here.

What is it, then, that makes the difference?
That you weep and mourn.
How does that matter?
They do not.
But I slay as well; does that not equivocate the actions?
You slay so it will end.
And they?
They slay so it will continue.
So the only difference is one of motivation and goals?
It is enough.

Monday, August 07, 2006

So Yeah

Been a while, hasn't it? Lots of stuff going on in the world, not all of it fun. It is interesting, of course, but only in the ancient Chinese sense of the word.

In any case, 'bout all I got here is some local news: for some reason or another, I've decided to start taking Krav Maga. There's an ATA school not five minutes from my apartment that offers it, I can afford it now, so I figured, why not?

Further bulletins as events warrant.