Friday, July 15, 2005

I'm a geek

Spent most of the day assembling a computer. Now, I'm watching the season premiers of Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, and Battlestar Galactica.

I'm currently geeking out about the fact that Ben Browder (formerly of Farscape) is now on SG-1. So is Claudia Black.

Also, for any X-files fans, Atlantis now has Mitch Pillegi.

And Battlestar Galactica... is still Battlestar Galactica. If you have the Sci-fi channel, or your regional equivalent thereof, and you are not watching this show, then you should be.

This has been a random update, we now return to our regularly scheduled program.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Microsoft is Evil

I know, I know...

Look, it's like this. I'm trying to build a new computer. For now, it'll be running Windows XP, simply because that's the easiest route for me to go.

I'm ordering the actual hardware off of Newegg. Now, Newegg, in all their glory, can get $800+ worth of assorted computer parts to me in less than a week's time. In other words, I ordered them last Friday and they'll be arriving here on Wednesday.

The gals in the office are gonna love me on account of all the boxes, but that's neither here nor there.

Because it's cheaper (though not by much), I ordered a copy of Windows XP through my work discount. Which means that I am buying it from Microsft itself.

It'll be Friday before they even ship the blasted thing, and another three to four weeks before it actually arrives here. In other words, I'll have a fully functional computer sitting here for a bloomin' month without an OS.

Needless to say, I am currently downloading an evaluation install of SuSe Linus 9.3. Just to see. And as soon as I can, I'm canceling that darn Microsoft order.

Friday, July 08, 2005

God Save the Queen

To the United Kingdom:

"Between us there can be no word of giving or taking, nor of reward, for we are brethren. [...]never has any league of peoples been more blessed, so that neither has failed the other, nor shall fail."

By our commonality of language, of parentage, of heritage, and of history, we are [i]brothers[/i], oh England. As we have stood together in the past, against flame and fire and all the hells of tyrants, so shall we stand again at this day.

Your brothers in America are with you, oh England. May the lives you have lost be repaid a hundred fold upon the adversary, and may your dominion last until the end of days.

God save the Queen, and God bless the noble and valorous people of the United Kingdom.