Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Title Explaination

Howdy again. Work seems to be shaping up well, I'm getting set into a schedule (I think), so I figured I might as well go ahead and explain something.

The title of this blog, before some of you assume that I am taking a moderately egotiscial stance, is an allusion to Isaiah 42:1-3, specifically the third verse. In these verses, God tells Isaiah the character of Messiah:

Behold, My Servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights. I have put my spirit upon him; He will bring forth justice to the nations.
He will not cry out or raise His voice, nor make His voice heard in the street.
A bruised reed He will not break and a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish; He will faithfully bring forth justice.
So anyway, you're probably asking where I'm going with the above quotation. Think through the bolded section, the statement that Messiah will not break a "bruised reed". He does not break those who are weak. By break, now, I do not refer to the brokenness that comes from and accompanies repentence; indeed, that I've experience many times in my life, and will more than likely experience even more as time goes by.

By "break" I refer to the brokenness that accompanies destruction, i.e., being rent twain assunder. As you can guess, this is not an occurance conductive to continued survival and growth. Yet, we would all, for whatever reason, deserve just such a "breaking" at His hands.

I am an unbroken reed; I am bruised, though foolishness and wrong actions of my own doing. Yet because of the mercy of my God and Savior, He hasn't not broken me yet. In time, then, under His care and preservation my "bruises" can heal; and this reed will stand tall and whole, with Him as the root.

Till then, just a few parting thoughts in a completely different vein.

1. Watched "The Last Starfighter" on Cinemax (I think it was Cinemax, at least). Good movie, very underrated. Best Line:
(Centauri has just told Alex Rogan about several Great Men from Earth and Star League history)
Alex: Look, Centauri, I'm none of those guys. I'm just a kid from a trailer park.
Centauri: If that's what you think, then that's all you'll ever be.

2. Currently watching "The Last Samurai" on HBO. Must be a "Last" thing going on here on something. However, I am glad that I'll have to go to bed before the ending. I like the movie, but the last part, where Algrin prostrates himself before the Emperor Meiji, just disturbs me. Both of my grandfathers, fought in one way or another to stop the imperial ambitions of Emperor Hirohito (who was a descendent of Meiji).

3. Today is the 63rd anniversary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Our grandfather's saw it with their own eyes; we only have their stories and pictures to make our memories of that time. Let us remember how out nation was attacked then, and let us remember what our nation accomplished in response.

In any event, good night.


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