Hello, blogosphere. Don't really know what I'm gonna do with this thing, but its something I figure might be fun to do now that I'm settled in one spot for a while. As for what next, well... we'll see. Tomorrow, I'll explain what the title refers too (just in case those of you who I'll send the link to can't guess. Following that, who knows; at times I'll be silent, at times I'll be funny, and at times I'll rant and rave.
In the mean times, here's one more word to y'all in Huntsvegas, something that I would have said if I hadn't been touched beyond the ability of coherent speach by the send-off at the apartment. Seriously, you guys have no idea how much that meant to me :).
Anyway, to (slightly) mis-quote from the musical version of "Les Miserables", the third verse of 'Drink With Me':
In the mean times, here's one more word to y'all in Huntsvegas, something that I would have said if I hadn't been touched beyond the ability of coherent speach by the send-off at the apartment. Seriously, you guys have no idea how much that meant to me :).
Anyway, to (slightly) mis-quote from the musical version of "Les Miserables", the third verse of 'Drink With Me':
Drink with meIn any event, I must shortly go to bed, as work begins early for me in the morning. G'night, blogosphere.
To days gone by.
Sing with me
The songs we knew.
At the shrine of friendship
Never say die;
Let the wine of friendship
Never run dry.
Here's to you
And here's
To me.
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