Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Unlikely Things

It has been twelve days now since Terri Schiavo's feeding tube was removed. Twelve days with neither food nor water, a state-mandated death by dehydration.

Yet she remains.

Matt Heidt over at Froggy Ruminations has several excellent posts on the issue. So does Captain Ed at Captain's Quarters.

Though for now I'll just direct you to a particularly lovely rant by Captain Ed regarding the ad hominem attacks being leveled at those who are aghast at the barbarity of this situation.

As for the unlikely things referenced in the title, I just have to say that I never thought I'd see the day when I'd come down on the same side of an issue as Jesse Jackson.

(Hat tips: Drudge, Captain's Quarters, and Froggy Ruminations.)


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