Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Snarkiness without warning

To the Democrats in Congress: I might take your concerns seriously if I did not suspect that you would define looking at the prisoner askance as torture.

To the Republicans in Congress, and indeed President Bush: You are considering a ban on 527 organizations in politcal discourse. I have two words for you: First Amendment.

To the Sunni Clerics who are crying about the election: Boo-hoo. Gee, you're low on representation in the body that will draw up the new Iraqi Consitution? Oh, however could that have happened? Maybe because the Sunni's didn't turn out to vote in the same numbers that the Shi'ites and Kurds did. Why, oh why, would they do that? Because you told them to boycott the election, you crybaby idiots. My heart bleeds.


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